At the new era of China real estate 2018, sadrile won the award of "2018 Chinas first choice brand of real estate procurement, doors and windows"

2018-12-12 17:38:00   view:

On December 12, "pay homage to the reform and opening up · Zhiyuan's beautiful life - 2018 China real estate new era grand ceremony" was held in Yanqi lake, Beijing. 1000 Chinese real estate, home furnishing and property elites gathered together, with large scale, wide coverage and strong lineup, which has become an annual event highly concerned by the industry. At the meeting, the list of "green building materials for smart products of beautiful life in 2018" jointly selected by Leju finance and China National Green Construction Commission was announced, and Jiangsu saidile Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. won the award of "preferred brand of China's real estate procurement, doors and windows in 2018".

Chen Haibao, general manager of Leju finance and economics, presented awards to saidile

Photo of the meeting



2018 is a year of rapid development and fruitful harvest for cediler. Cediler is committed to providing consumers with better quality products in terms of use value and performance value. While focusing on the customer experience, the people of saidile are tirelessly exploring all kinds of innovation in line with the development of the enterprise. From R & D to operation management, brand promotion, channel building to team building, they are making breakthroughs through the pursuit of innovation.

From five awards of Jinxuan award, the highest award in the door, window and curtain wall industry, to two awards of China real estate Jinxia award, the most powerful brand of architectural sunshade and China real estate built-in sunshade shutter insulating glass, and to the 2018 China real estate procurement preferred brand, door and window category award, each award is an affirmation of past achievements, It's also the driving force for cedil to move forward. In 2019, cedil will make full use of its strength, and more highlights and surprises are not far away.


On site highlights (inner louver insulating glass)

Yanqi lake on sword

Banquet site (louvered insulating glass)