Saidile's strength won the "40 years of reform and opening up - outstanding contribution award of enterprises in window decoration and sunshade industry"

2019-01-06 18:06:00   view:


The water is bright and sunny, and the mountains are empty and rainy. On January 6, 2019, "intelligent upgrading industry innovation leads the future" -- the sixth national annual meeting of building shading industry in 2018 was held in the beautiful West Lake. Mr. Zhang nailing, vice president and Secretary General of China Building Decoration Materials Association, Mr. Sun Xun, honorary president of building shading materials branch of China Building Decoration Materials Association, Assistant Secretary General of China Building Decoration Materials Association, director of strategic development department, executive president and Secretary General of building shading materials branch, Mr. Wang Jun and industry experts Nearly 300 entrepreneurs attended the meeting. Xiao Min, general manager of Jiangsu saidile Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd., attended the meeting.

Xiao Min, general manager of Jiangsu saidile Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd., attended the meeting

At the meeting, saidile was awarded two awards: "40 years of reform and opening up - outstanding contribution award of enterprises in window decoration and sunshade industry" and "strategic cooperation unit of building sunshade materials branch of China Building Decoration Materials Association".

Through the on-site broadcast of enterprise publicity film, participating in the forum to speak for the industry, as the winning unit, sedille concentrated on the overall strength of the enterprise to the guests, which attracted the wide attention of industry leaders and experts.

2018 is the key year for the implementation of the 13th five year plan. In order to promote the green, low-carbon and orderly and healthy development of the sun shading industry, explore the growth pole of the industry. Experts and entrepreneurs of building shading actively interact on the platform of the annual meeting, sincerely cooperate, and look forward to fission new business models in the exchange, find new ideas, and cooperate to lead the development road of building shading industry and realize a win-win future.

First, Mr. Zhang nailing, vice president and Secretary General of China Association of building decoration materials, made the opening speech of the annual meeting; Mr. Sun Xun, honorary president of the building shading materials branch of China Association of building decoration materials, gave a welcome speech; Mr. Wang Jun, Assistant Secretary General of China Association of building decoration materials, director of strategic development department, executive president and Secretary General of building shading materials branch, made the work summary in 2018 and the report of work plan for 2019.

Ms. Yang Lei, deputy director of construction and development research center of xiong'an new area and director of Financial Research Institute of Hebei University of finance, made a wonderful exposition on how to seize the opportunity of national planning and construction of xiong'an new area and develop and expand the building shading industry. Her speech is the interpretation of xiong'an new district planning outline and the keynote report of xiong'an opportunities.

Mr. Zhou Jun, Secretary General of China smart home industry alliance, has brought the keynote report of "intelligent alliance ecological coordination of all things - Analysis of the status and trend of smart home market", and seeks new opportunities for sun shading enterprises in the Internet era.

Mr. Zhou Jun brings you the keynote report of "Zhilian ecological cooperation of all things"


2018 coincides with the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, and this year is of great significance for China's opening up. The building sunshade industry has entered the road of rapid development. Although it has only been more than 30 years, it has provided a solution for the sunshine management and control of thousands of households. Jiangsu saidile Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded the "40 years of reform and opening up - Outstanding Contribution Award for enterprises in window decoration sunshade industry", which is not only an affirmation of the past achievements, but also the most powerful encouragement.

As time goes by, looking forward to a new journey, the people of cedilar feel the heavy responsibility on their shoulders. The report card of siadile in 2018 is remarkable. The sales volume of the products increased sharply, and the brand influence and popularity continued to improve; Supported by platform construction and guaranteed by mechanism innovation, a high-level scientific research team will be built to form a large number of high-level and high-quality R & D achievements; Combined with the top-level design of industrialization and collectivization, the informatization work has been vigorously promoted with remarkable achievements. 2018 is a year for the harvest and development of cedilar. In 2019, cedilar will take off like a dragon and contend like a Phoenix, making more contributions to the industry.