The first meeting of Jiangsu built in sunshade Industry Quality Alliance in 2019 was solemnly held in Jiangsu saidile company

2019-07-20 11:01:00   view:

  On July 20, 2019, science and technology development center of Jiangsu Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, Jiangsu construction machinery metal structure association, Jiangsu construction engineering quality inspection center and municipal energy conservation association held the first working meeting of Jiangsu built-in shading Industry Quality Alliance in 2019 in Yangzhou saidile company. Jiangsu saidile Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd., as a national benchmarking enterprise with built-in shutter glass, is responsible for the overall work of the conference. Luo Jin, Secretary General of Jiangsu construction machinery and metal structure association, LV Hui, deputy secretary general, Zhang Yunlong, vice president and President of curtain wall and doors and windows branch, Jiang Meiqin, deputy secretary general and Secretary General of curtain wall and doors and windows shading branch, Secretary General of various municipal associations and other leaders, as well as general manager Li of national first-line brand giant of built-in shutter "American odler" company, "Guangzhou Hanshi" company Mr. Gong Zheng, President of "Jiangsu Zhongcheng" group, and nearly 100 persons in charge of the company from nearly 40 built-in sunshade production enterprises in the province gathered in conference room 1 of Yangzhou saidile company. This conference is an industry event with a large number of participants, large scale and high influence so far.

Nearly 100 provincial and municipal leaders and responsible persons of built-in sunshade industry gathered in conference room 1 of cedilar company

  Xiao Min, general manager of cedilar company, delivered a welcome speech and made a special introduction and sharing on cedilar's built-in shutter insulating glass products and technical highlights, forward-looking scientific and technological innovation incubation and training system, quality control and improvement measures, brand promotion and cultural construction achievements. At present, the company has applied for more than 60 invention patents, 118 utility model and design patents, participated in the preparation of 16 "national standards" and "industrial standards", and won the title of "industrial production base" of built-in sunshade shutter insulating glass products issued by national institutions. The products are widely used in construction projects at home and abroad, Product quality and after-sales service are highly recognized by the market and the same industry. Under the leadership of President Xiao, the participants visited the advanced production line and testing laboratory of inner shutter insulating glass of Jiangsu saidile Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd., and discussed the current situation of the industry and related issues with you.


  The participants highly appreciated the business philosophy of "all high standards" adhered to by the company, and highly praised the production scale, advanced production line and R & D strength of the company. The leaders and industry giants highly praised the remarkable achievements of the company in product R & D, process improvement, market development, brand building and other fields in recent years, All enterprises participating in the meeting are called on to learn from the advanced experience of cedilar, work together to ensure the quality and promote the development of the industry, so as to make the Quality Alliance embark on the road of strong, sustainable, balanced, inclusive and growth.

  On behalf of the Provincial Association, Secretary General Luo Jin affirmed the role of built-in sunshade alliance in promoting industry development and quality improvement, elaborated the efforts and practices of built-in sunshade from controversial products to regulations recognized as external sunshade products, and pointed out that built-in sunshade insulating glass has become a popular external sunshade mainstream product in the market, It is an opportunity for the development of the built-in sunshade industry and the growth of enterprises. We hope that enterprises can seize the opportunity, improve product quality and make products that users can rest assured of.

  Zhang Yunlong, President of the branch, and Jiang Meiqin, Secretary General of the branch, spoke at the meeting successively, believing that since the implementation of the 2017 version of the technical specification for application of standardized external window system in residential buildings, built-in sunshade products have accounted for 70-80% of the application volume of movable external sunshade in new residential buildings, and more than half of the output of enterprises recommended by the association, It shows that the overall quality of built-in sunshade products is in good condition, especially after the new regulations stipulate that the durability is 30000 times of opening and closing and 60000 times of curtain turnover, the engineering quality has been significantly improved compared with previous years. However, due to the low entry threshold for the production of this product, a number of new built-in sunshade production enterprises have emerged in various places. Nearly 40 enterprises attended the meeting on the same day, but only 13 enterprises have obtained the certificate recommended by the association. Most enterprises entered the project without the certificate or type test report, which brought hidden dangers to the project quality, It has a negative impact on the implementation of energy-saving policies and the development of the industry. Low quality and low price competition harms the survival of the industry. Therefore, only by uniting, consolidating and improving product quality can the industry alliance enterprises develop correctly.

  The current situation of the industry was discussed at the meeting. Ning Xiaolong, a leading enterprise in the industry, introduced the successful experience of Zhongcheng group in marketing. The products are of high quality and good price, and the supply exceeds the demand. It shows that the market main body needs high-quality products. As a well-known expert in the industry, Mr. Ning also introduced some key elements that should be mastered in the inner louver insulating glass products, which was welcomed and praised by the participants. Tianjingqing, Zhiwei, krassek, Bocheng, golden butterfly, Zongheng, Jerry and other enterprises all spoke at the meeting one after another. They introduced their experience and agreed that they should first self-discipline, do their own things well, and make products that users and themselves can rest assured of. At the same time, they expressed dissatisfaction with the behavior of obtaining projects at the expense of quality and price. The meeting held a consultation discussion on the industry self-discipline convention, which will be the key topic to be discussed and determined in the next alliance meeting.

  According to the new characteristics of the industry development and the frequent occurrence of product quality problems in some enterprises, the meeting unanimously decided to cancel the original qualification of the alliance leader, stop the rotation of the alliance leader, and re determine that the alliance leader is elected every year. According to the recommendation of the enterprise, East China Coated Glass Co., Ltd. was selected as the leader of the 4th built-in sunshade Industry Quality Alliance, and general manager Zhang genfang was selected as the leader of the alliance. Alliance enterprises hope to have new improvement in deep processing of built-in sunshade under the leadership of the new leader. After being elected, general manager Zhang genfang also said that he would do his best to provide technical services for the majority of alliance enterprises.

  Secretary General Luo Jin made a summary of the meeting. He congratulated the alliance on the success of the meeting, congratulated East China Coated Glass Co., Ltd. on being elected as the leader of the alliance, and expressed his gratitude to Jiangsu saidile Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. for its strong support to the meeting. At the same time, Secretary General Luo is full of confidence in the development prospect of the built-in sunshade industry. He believes that as long as we work hard and unite as one, the industry can develop healthily. He hopes that the Quality Alliance of the built-in sunshade insulating glass industry will become better and better.

New and old leader awarding ceremony of built in sunshade Alliance

(this article is transferred from China glass net)