Saidile successfully passed the first batch of high tech enterprises in Jiangsu Province in 2019

2019-11-07 11:36:00   view:

  On November 7, 2019, according to the relevant provisions of the administrative measures for the identification of high tech enterprises (Guo Ke FA Huo [2016] No. 32) and the guidelines for the identification and management of high tech enterprises (Guo Ke FA Huo [2016] No. 195), the first batch of list of high tech enterprises to be identified in Jiangsu Province in 2019 was published, and Jiangsu saidile Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. was listed, It was awarded the title of "high tech enterprise".

  It has been more than 20 years since the identification of high-tech enterprises began in the 1990s. High tech enterprises are not only the important strategic layout for the government to adjust the industrial structure and improve the national competitiveness, but also the recognition and support for the enterprise's R & D and innovation ability. According to the "administrative measures for the recognition of high tech enterprises" issued by the Ministry of science and technology, the qualification recognition of national high tech enterprises must meet the assessment conditions of intellectual property rights, transformation ability of scientific and technological achievements, organization and management level of research and development, business growth indicators and so on. The standard of identification is strict and the procedure is rigorous.

  This time, cedil won the high-tech enterprise certification, which shows that cedil has been highly recognized by the state in the aspects of technological innovation, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and possession of core independent intellectual property rights. The R & D team of cedil has been focusing on the research of built-in blind insulating glass technology. It has built a large laboratory with advanced technology, complete inspection and testing in China, applied for and passed more than 120 invention patents, utility model patents and appearance patents of built-in blind insulating glass, and participated in 20 national standards and standards of door and window, curtain wall and building shading industry The preparation of industry standards, many invited to participate in the domestic large-scale green environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction Summit Forum, on behalf of the industry voice, on behalf of the domestic building shading industry's higher technical level.

  The passing of the national high-tech enterprise certification is not only the recognition of the scientific research ability and overall technical level of cedil by the state and governments at all levels, but also a spur and incentive for cedil. In the future, cediler will forge ahead, focus on increasing investment in scientific research and training talents to build a new technological innovation system. While giving full play to the advantages and exemplary leading role of high-tech enterprises, we should enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, enrich the stamina of enterprise innovation and development, and provide strong technical support for the sustainable development of enterprises.